Legal notice

In fulfillment of the Law 34/2002, of 11 July, of Services of the Information Society and of E-commerce (LSSI-CE), HOMESTEAD OF THE PRAT SL informs that it is HOMESTEAD OF THE PRAT SL of the website in accordance with the requirement of the article 10 of the quoted Law, HOMESTEAD OF THE PRAT SL informs of the following data:
The HOMESTEAD OF THE PRAT SL of this website is HOMESTEAD OF THE PRAT SL, with NIF B63764245 and social domicile in in L'ESTANY OF THE MAGAROLA, 5-7 08820 The Prat of Llobregat, Barcelona. The email address of contact with the company is:
The navigation, access and use by the website of HOMESTEAD OF THE PRAT SL confers the condition of user, by which accept , from the navigation by the website of HOMESTEAD OF THE PRAT SL, all the here established instructions for use without prejudice to the application of the corresponding normative of obliged legal fulfillment according to the case.
The website of HOMESTEAD OF THE PRAT SL provides big diversity of information, services and data. The user assumes his responsibility in the correct use of the website. This responsibility will extend to:

 -  The veracity and legality of the informations contributed by the user in the widespread forms by HOMESTEAD OF THE PRAT SL for the access to some contents or services offered by the web.

 -  The use of the information, services and data offered by HOMESTEAD OF THE PRAT SL contrary to the had by the present conditions, the Law, the morals, the good habits or the public order, or that of any another way can suppose injury of the rights of third or of the same operation of the website.
Politics OF LINKS And EXEMPTIONS OF RESPONSIBILITY                                
Homestead OF THE PRAT SL does not do manager of the content of the websites to which the user can access through the links established in his website and declares that in no case it will proceed to examine or exercise any type of control on the content of other places of the net. Likewise, neither it will guarantee the technical availability, accuracy, veracity, validity or legality of extraneous places to his property to which can access by means of the links. Homestead OF THE PRAT SL declares to have adopted all the necessary measures to avert any harm to the users of his website, that could derive of the navigation by his website. In consequence, HOMESTEAD OF THE PRAT SL does not do responsible, in no case, of the eventual harms that by the navigation by Internet could suffer the user.
Homestead OF THE PRAT SL reserves the right to make the modifications that consider timely, without previous notice, in the content of his website. So much regarding the contents of the website, as in the instructions for use of the same, or in the general conditions of contracting. Said modifications will be able to make through his website by any admissible form in right and will be of obliged fulfillment during the time in that they find published in the web and until they are not modified válidamente by other back.
Some contents of the website of HOMESTEAD OF THE PRAT SL contain the possibility of contracting by Internet. The use of the same will require the reading and compulsory acceptance of the general conditions of contracting established to the effect by HOMESTEAD OF THE PRAT SL.
Data protection
Of compliance with what establishes the Organic Law 15/1999 of Data protection of Personal Character (LOPD), HOMESTEAD OF THE PRAT SL informs to the users of his website that the personal data collected by the company, by means of the forms sitos in his pages, will be entered in a file automated under the responsibility of HOMESTEAD OF THE PRAT SL, with the purpose to be able to facilitate, speed up and fulfil the commitments established among both parts.
Likewise, HOMESTEAD OF THE PRAT SL informs of the possibility to exert the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by means of a writing to the direction:
While the user do not communicate the contrary to HOMESTEAD OF THE PRAT SL, this will understand that his data have not been modified, that the user engages to notify to HOMESTEAD OF THE PRAT SL any variation and that HOMESTEAD OF THE PRAT SL has the consent to use them to end to be able to cultivate the loyalty the relation among the parts.
Copyright And INDUSTRIAL
Homestead OF THE PRAT SL by himself same or like cesionaria, is HOMESTEAD OF THE PRAT SL of all the intellectual property rights and industrial of his web page, as well as of the elements contained in the same (to title enunciativo, images, sound, audio, video, software or texts, marks or logotypes, combinations of colours, structure and design, selection of materials used, programs of necessary computer for his operation, access and use, etc.),titularity of HOMESTEAD OF THE PRAT SL. They will be, therefore, works protected like copyright by the juridical arranging Spanish, being them applicable so much the Spanish and community rule in this field, like the relative international treaties to the matter and subscribed by Spain.
All the rights reserved. In virtue of the had in the articles 8 and 32.1, paragraph second, of the Law of Copyright, remain on purpose forbidden the reproduction, the distribution and the public communication, included his modality of put to disposal, of the whole or part of the contents of this web page, with commercial ends, in any support and by any half technician, without the permission of HOMESTEAD OF THE PRAT SL.
The user engages to respect the intellectual property rights and Industrial titularity of HOMESTEAD OF THE PRAT SL. It will be able to visualise the elements of the portal and even print them, copy them and store them in the hard disk of his computer or in any another physical support as long as it was, only and exclusively, for his personal and private use. The user will have to abstain to suppress, alter, evade or manipulate any device of protection or system of security that was installed in the pages of HOMESTEAD OF THE PRAT SL.
Homestead OF THE PRAT SL reserves , likewise, the faculty to present the civil or penal actions that consider timely by the undue utilisation of his website and contents, or by the incumplimiento of the present conditions.
The relation among the user and the prestador will govern by the valid rule and of application in the Spanish territory. To arise any controversy the parts will be able to subject his conflicts to arbitrage or attend to the ordinary jurisdiction fulfilling with the norms on jurisdiction and competition in this regard. Homestead OF THE PRAT SL has his domicile in L'ESTANY OF THE MAGAROLA, 5-7 08820 The Prat of Llobregat, Barcelona. - Diseño de paginas - Guia comercial de el prat